Empowering Children, Educators, and Families |
Kansas Association of School Psychologists
Spring 2020 Edition
Lina Kitson, Editor Teresa Walters, Associate Editor
| President's Message Hello KASP members! The smell of freshly sharpened pencils with no erasers, opening up a new test kit and/ or social skills curriculum, and catching up with some of your favorite colleagues are some of the favorite things of the beginning of the year. As your to do lists pile up and post it notes start lining up your desktop, don’t forget to add registering for the Fall Conference. We are going to have several hot topic break out sessions and amazing speakers. As you are getting settled into your office (s) and organizing caseloads, I challenge everyone to think of one goal you can work on that stretches you a little outside your comfort zone. Some of NASP strategic goals encourage us to get others to see us as Mental Health Providers, for us to implement the NASP practice model, for us to advocate for social justice issues and be leaders where we practice. Reflect on how you can embark change even if it is small where you work this year. Psyched to be your President, Jessica Mefford |
Board Minute Summary by Angie Howard, Secretary Members of the KASP Board convened in Topeka, Kansas on Friday, August 2 and Saturday, August 3, 2019. During the special session on Friday, August 2, 20196, members of the board worked to refine the organizational structure of board meetings as well as the organization of board documents for the purposes of increasing efficiency and productivity during meetings. During the board meeting on August 3, 2019, the board approved the minutes from the prior board meeting and heard updates from each of the board members. The Board discussed and worked to finalize details regarding the upcoming Fall Conference. Upcoming Board Elections were noted to include nominations for the following board positions: President Elect; Associate Editor; Treasurer; Central Region Representative; and Southeast Region Representative. The board then directed its focus to reviewing and suggesting amendments to the current Constitution and Standing Rules. Members of the board submitted several motions, which will be submitted as constitutional amendments for board review prior to submission for a vote of general membership. Several standing rules were updated while others were tabled for further discussion. The board established a list of action steps to be carried out by members in order to make progress toward goals set for the organization as well as to help address some of the mega issues put forth by KASP members. |
Timely Events KASP is seeking nominees for School Psychologist of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards. The Lifetime Achievement Award acknowledges life-long efforts in the field of school psychology that embodies the NASP Practice Model, but also recognizes an individual who has contributed to the field of education for Kansas children. Further information for this award can be found here. ------------------------------ The Kansas School Psychologist of the Year identifies and recognizes a KASP member in good standing who is an outstanding practicing school psychologist. The recipient of the Kansas School Psychologist of the Year is submitted as a nominee for the NASP School Psychologist of the Year Award. Nominees for the Kansas School Psychologist of the Year MUST be current KASP member in good standing. To nominate an outstanding Kansas School Psychologist download and complete the nomination form. Did you know that KASP has additional awards? The Edna L. Harrison Pioneer Award will be given to individuals whose delivery of health services is outstanding. The criteria for selection as an Edna L. Harrison Pioneer include: degree of innovation, amount of positive impact on outcomes for all students, amount of positive impact on outcomes for at-risk students or students with diverse needs, number of student affected, amount of impact on systems change, and special recognition of success against all odds or perseverance in a hostile system. The award selection committee will select the award winner(s) and present the candidates to the KASP executive board for approval. One person from each of the four regions could be awarded this honor each year. Any KASP member may nominate his/her self or another school psychologist for this award. A nomination form must be completed. ------------------------------ The purpose of the KASP Minority Graduate Student Scholarship is to support the graduate training of promising school psychology students in the state of Kansas. Two students will be awarded $500 per year each fall. Students are eligible to reapply for a second year of funding. Scholarship winners will be selected be a committee of KASP board members. Selection criteria used by the committee may include previous academic performance, financial need, potential for a career in school psychology, and quality of the application essay. The application can be found here. ------------------------------ The purpose of the action research program is to encourage and support innovative practices in school psychology, e.g., new models of assessment or alternative service delivery models. This program will only fund innovative projects; therefore, we cannot fund expansion of existing programs, programs that are the responsibility of a school district, those that have been previously funded by the district, or trips. The application can be found here. Additional information about the awards can be found here. **Nominations for awards should be emailed to Jon Smeeton, Communications Director** |
Timely Topics |
Back to School Organizational Tips
Dyslexia Legislation
There has been some questions from our membership regarding Dyslexia as new legislation has come out in Kansas. KASP would like to direct you to some key resources about this issue from NASP and KSDE.
Below are the following resources:
KASP 2019 Elections
The following positions are up for re-election:
President Elect
The President-Elect attends KASP Executive Board meetings, prepares for his/her duties as President, and assists other officers or officials as is necessary. The President-Elect and the President is expected to attend the annual NASP convention and the Regional Leadership Meeting. The President- Elect also works with the Treasurer to develop a budget for the year that they serve as President. The budget would likely be developed during December and then presented at the board retreat in January.
Some specific tasks include:
Associate Editor
The primary function of the Editor and Associate Editor is to publish a minimum of four newsletters (The Kansas School Psychologist) per year. They shall coordinate any other publications as determined by the Board. This is a two-year position with election to the Associate Publications position for the first year. The Associate Editor will be mentored during his/her first year and will share in publication duties. The Associate Editor will become the Editor for the second year of his/her term.
Some specific tasks include:
The Treasurer shall receive all funds for deposit and be responsible for disbursement of funds as authorized by the officers of the association board members. The Treasurer shall maintain balanced records of all income and expenses, annually propose jointly with the President Elect a budget to the Executive Board, and see that interest on all deposited monies is, within reason maximized. (Two year term- Voting Member)
The Treasurer is instructed to report the account type and interest rate for KASP funds on each Treasurer’s report. The Treasurer will keep a description of each line item in the budget indicating from which line item expenditures will come. The Treasurer shall keep a separate record of income and expenses from the conventions. The Treasurer is responsible for filing each year the incorporation renewal with the State of Kansas. Annually, the treasurer should provide to the Editor of the organization’s newsletter, The Kansas School Psychologist, a copy of the board approved KASP budget for the year.
Central Region Representative & Southeast Region Representative
The Communications Directors official duties are to maintain and develop membership in the Association and communicate announcements and noteworthy items about individuals and activities to the media. (Two year term-Voting Member)
Some specific tasks include:
**Perks of serving on the KASP board**
****If you are interested in serving on the board please email Betsy Crawford.
KASP Fall Convention 2019 OCTOBER 3-4, 2019 Topeka Plaza Hotel To Register for the Fall Convention Click on the link here The Kansas Association of School Psychologists is excited to welcome... Keynote Speaker Lisa Kelly-Vance, PhD KeyNote Speaker : Lisa Kelly-Vance, Professor of Psychology and Director of the School Psychology and our current President of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Her research and applied interests are assessment and interventions with preschool children in the context of play, mental health in early childhood, school-based academic and social interventions, prevention, and self-care. Friday Speaker
Dr. Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, ED, NCSP, ABPdN Elaine Fletcher-Janzen has been a school psychologist in the public schools, neuropsychiatric inpatient, and university settings for the past 34 years. Dr. Fletcher-Janzen received her Diplomate in Pediatric Neuropsychology in 2010. Dr. Fletcher-Janzen has co-edited and authored sixteen books and reference works including the Encyclopedia of Special Education (Wiley) and the Diagnostic Desk Reference of Childhood Disorders (Wiley). She has also published the Neuropsychology of Women (Springer), the third edition of the Handbook of Clinical Child Neuropsychology (Springer), and Neuropsychological Perspectives on the Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities in the Era of RTI with John Wiley & Sons. She also co-authored Essentials of KABC-II Assessment! Dr. Fletcher-Janzen's research interests address cross-cultural aspects of cognitive abilities, affective neuroscience and homeostatic function of emotions, neuropsychological aspects of chronic illness, and the systematic management of pediatric chronic illness in school and clinical settings. |
KASP Spring Conference
KASP invites you to the 2020 Spring Conference at Emporia, Kansas on May 8th, 2020
Peg Dawson Ed.D
Strengthening Executive Functioning Skills in Children and Adolescents.
Look out for more information soon!
Graduate Student Corner Student Representative Update |
Kansas Association of School Psychologists (KASP) is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists to offer continuing education for school psychologists. KASP maintains responsibility for the program.
KASP is a NASP approved provider of CPDs. KASP is approved provider #1030
No person will be denied access to or full participation in any KASP program, event or activity on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, or age.