Empowering Children, Educators, and Families

Using the Assessment Tool

Most of this rubric can be utilized by an administrator who is highly familiar with a school psychologist’s work, supplemented by input from other consumers of school psychological services. However, some items require more technical or advanced knowledge of school psychological services, and should only be evaluated by a “qualified practitioner”.


Key considerations for using this evaluation tool include the following:

  • This tool is designed to be one measure, or piece of information, used in the personnel evaluation of school psychologists. Additional information should be considered when making evaluation decisions.
  • This tool should be used as a self-assessment by a school psychologist. The ratings could be shared with a supervisor and considered in the evaluation process to determine final ratings and areas for future professional growth.
  • School psychologists should provide evidence, or artifacts, to support their self-ratings on this tool. Examples include: student progress monitoring data, educational evaluation reports, examples of student work, surveys/feedback on interactions with families, school staff, and community partners.
  • This tool should be completed by a supervisor who is familiar with school psychology practices, professional best practices, and ethical principles. When possible, a credentialed school psychologist should be the evaluator at a minimum serve as one level of review.
  • The activities listed for the rating categories (Highly Effective, etc) are examples. This list is not exhaustive and a rating at that level does not require evidence of each listed practice. A school psychologist may be involved in other activities that should be considered when selecting the appropriate rating.
  • Supervisor ratings on the tool will be more accurate and valid when based on first-hand knowledge of the school psychologist’s job performance. Observations, review of provided evidence/artifacts and self-ratings, and input from other school staff would be informative.
  • The final tool ratings should be reviewed and discussed by the supervisor and school psychologist. Identifying areas of effectiveness and exemplary practice as well as areas in need of improvement are essential for supporting school psychological practices that enhance student academic and mental health outcomes.
  • Scoring of the tool should take into consideration the domains determined applicable to the individual school psychologist. Normative data has not been collected for the tool so decisions about criteria and overall classifications of effectiveness should be made a the local level
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