KASP Fall Convention 2018
“Knowing Better & Doing Better: The Importance of Self-Care”
Where: Holiday Inn Wichita East 1-35, 549 Rock Rd. Wichita, KS
When: Thursday, October 4th and Friday, October 5th 2018
The Kansas Association of School Psychologists is excited to welcome...

Featured Speaker: Dr. Daniel B. Jacobs
2018 Fall Convention Schedule General.docx
Detailed Conference Schedule: F2018 KASP Convention details.pdf
Registration: Available online (preferred) or paper registration may be completed. 2018 KASP Convention Registration Form.docx. Please note that if registering as a KASP member the email you provide on registration must match that which is associated with your membership. Please contact keely.persinger@gmail.com with any registration questions/issues.
Team Rate: To register guests with a KASP member, first register the KASP member, then include the contact information for non-member registrants as "Guests" of the registered KASP member.
KASP has arranged for a couple of evening activity opportunities for attendees for Thursday, Oct. 4th. Please see the flier document for further information on how to register/signup. Participation is completely optional and registration is the attendee's responsibility. KASP is not liable for anything related to these activities, they are independent of KASP. 2018 Evening Activities.pdf
Additional info from Wichita Visitors & Convention Bureau including food discounts, trolley info, and Wichita Brewery map. Feel free to print these out for your use: Kansas Association of School Psychologists.pdf, Q-line Poster.pdf, Wichita Brewery Map (1).pdf
Kansas Association of School Psychologists (KASP) is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists to offer continuing education for school psychologists. KASP maintains responsibility for the program.
KASP is a NASP approved provider of CPDs. KASP is approved provider #1030
No person will be denied access to or full participation in any KASP program, event or activity on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, or age.